Martinique chicken coconut curry

Traditional Martinique dishes count many chicken based recipes. Chicken coconut curry is one of the island’s most emblematic dishes. Discover this recipe and consider renting a car to enjoy your stay in Martinique to the fullest.

Caribbean gastronomy is varied and each part of a meal has its own specialty : cod fritters (accras) are often served for aperitif, avocado patty (féroce d’avocat) for starters and chicken coconut curry for a main course, for instance. Chicken coconut curry is one of the most popular dishes in the French Caribbean, especially in Martinique.

Pretty easy to cook, chicken coconut curry is made with either a whole chicken or with chicken legs, and a special sweet and savory sauce. The sauce contains coconut milk, lime, onions, tomatoes, garlic, turmeric, cumin, curry, jamaican pepper leaves, olive oil, salt, black pepper and sweet chili pepper. Chicken coconut curry is usually served with a side of rice and hot chili, for those who like it spicy.

Chicken coconut curry is a must-try dish in Martinique and you will have no trouble finding on the menu of local restaurants during your stay on the island.

A little advice from RentaCar Martinique : rent an estate car to go, with your family, to the restaurant in Martinique

Rent a car to go eat a martinican chicken coconut curry in Martinique
car rental RentaCar Martinique

Practical information

Chicken coconut curry is one of the most popular dishes in Martinique. Almost all restaurants on the island include it in their menu. Rent a car to drive to the restaurant and roam around Martinique.